CONFIRMED Virtual Eid Al-Fitr Celebration and Fitriya Payments

As-Salaamu Alaikum Dear Families, Brothers and Sisters,

As was announced earlier, we have CONFIRMED our VIRTUAL Eid-ul-Fitr Program on Thursday, May 13th starting at 7:30 AM. This will insha’Allah be a joyous time for all Muslims as we celebrate the end of a month of fasting and sacrifice. May Allah accept all of our efforts from this most blessed of months and increase each and everyone of us in this world and the next. Ameen.

The program will start at 7:30 AM with recitation of Qur’an and Dua Nudba. It will also include an English Khutba by Shaykh Tabbarsi after we individually perform the prayer at home followed by a Kahoot competition. We will conclude the program by providing an opportunity for the youth who have fasted for the first time to share their experience with the audience.


$15 Fitriya per person can be paid using the following link:


transferred through Bank of America using

Please put Sayyed Fitriya or NonSayyed in the comment section.
We can only accept the Fitriya by Noon on Friday, May 14, 2021.

Finally, we pray that we can make use of these most blessed waning days of Ramadan.

We will post the instructions on how to perform the Eid prayer on the Omid Center’s Telegram Channel and WhatsApp group.

In advance, Eid Mubarak to all!

Omid Center of Greater Boston


To access the announcement file please click here:

Eid Al-Fitr Celebration

The event is finished.


May 13 2021



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