جشن حضوری تولد حضرت فاطمه زهرا (س)
Saturday, January 14, 2023 at 5:00 PM EST
Locatin: 130 Newton Street, Weston, MA
سخنران: دکتر آزاده شیخ الاسلام
عنوان: “حضرت فاطمه الزهراء (س) بعد از وفات پیامبر“
About the Speaker: Dr Sheikholeslam is a faculty at Suffolk University
Tentative Program:
5:00-5:20 Prayer
5:20-5:25 Quran Recitation
5:25-5:30 Special Salawat
5:30-6:10 Lecture
6:10-6:20 Q&A
6:20-6:25 Poetry
6:25-6:45 Competition organized by Omid School’s senior students and their teacher
6:45-7:00 Recognition of Mother’s Day and Women’s Day
7:00-7:10 Ziarat Hazrat Zahra (as) and Dua
7:10-8:10 Potluck Dinner and Potluck Dessert
8:10-8:30 Clean up of the Center
8:30 End of Program
Zoom Link to the programs:
Meeting ID: 316 797 733 One tap mobile +19294362866 Password: 351023