Birth Celebration of Hazrat Zainab (SA)

Birth Celebration of Hazrat Zainab (SA)

جشن تولد عقیله بنی هاشم حضرت زینب کبری در مرکز اسلامی امید
Saturday,  January 4, 2020 at 6:30 PM


6:30-7:00 Quran Recitation
7:00-7:05 Poem/Nasheed
7:05-7:45 Lecture by Mr Hosein Hashemi (in Farsi)
“صبر از دیدگاه اسلام

Title: Patience from the Islamic Perspective.”
7:45-7:50 Poem/Nasheed
7:50-8:00 Question and Answer
8:00-8:10 Moloudi
8:10-8:20 Ziarat Warith
8:20-8:25 Dua
8:25-9:10 Potluck Dinner and Potluck Dessert
9:10-9:30 Cleaning of the Center

9:30 End of Program

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Program January 4, 2020

Weekly Dua Komail Program

Weekly Dua Komail Program

Date/Time: Thursday, December 26, 2019 at 7:15 PM
Location:Omid Center, 320 Boston Post Road, Weston, MA


7:15-7:40 Quran Recitation
7:40-7:45 Dhikr
7:45-8:20 Dua Komail
8:20-8:55 Lecture by Hojjat al-Islam Haydar Shirazi (in English)
Title: “Danger of Belittling Sins.”

About the Speaker
Hojjat al-Islam Haydar Shirazi serves as resident scholar at the Abraar Islamic Centre in Vancouver, Canada. Prior to that he was at Islamic Centre of England in London. He completed 14 years of studies at the Qum Seminary and has contributed 1000 + video on various topics. He has been an invited speaker to a wide range of countries for Islamic lectures.

8:55-9:05 Question and Answer
9:05-9:15 Ziarat Warith
9:15-10:00 Dinner

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Program December, 26 2019

Bi-Weekly English Quran Circle at MIT

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
کِتابٌ أَنزَلناهُ الَیکَ مُبارَکٌ لِیَدَّبَّروا آیاتِهِ وَ لِیَتَذَکَّرَ أُلوالأَلباب
[ It is ]a blessed Book that We have sent down to you, so that they may contemplate its signs, and that those who possess intellect may take admonition. Chapter 38, verse 29

Dates/Time : Friday, December 27, 2019 at 7:00 PM

Location: Room 66-160
(MIT’s Landau Building)
25 Ames Street, Cambridge. MA

About the Quran Circle:

Quran Circle is a bi-weekly English program covering exegesis (“tafsir”) of Quran and special research topics related to the Quran. We welcome scholarly research work related to the Quran. If you would like an opportunity to present your work please contact

The biweekly sessions will resume in 2020 with the first session on 1/17/2020 insha’Allah.

Quran Circle is open to the public.


7:00-7:10 Preparation for Isha’ Prayer
7:10-7:20 Isha’ Prayer
7:20-7:30 Quran Recitation
7:30-8:30 Lecture
Speaker: Brother Omar Rashed
Topic: “Presentation of Tafsir of Verses 114-129 of Chapter six (Al-Anaam)”
8:30-8:40 Question and Answer
8:40-8:50 Supplication
8:50-10:00 Dinner

Parking: Free parking is available close to MIT Medical around 25 Carleton Street, Cambridge.

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Quran Circle December 27, 2019

Weekly Saturday Program

Weekly Saturday Program

Date/Time: Saturday, December 14, 2019 at 6:30 PM


6:30-7:00  Quran Recitation
7:00-8:00  Lecture
  Speaker: Dr. Mohammad Sadraey
Topic: Tafsir of Verses 21-31 of Surah Sabaa (in Farsi)
8:00-8:10  Question and Answer
8:10-8:15  Dua
8:15-9:00  Potluck Dinner and Potluck Dessert
9:00-9:30  Clean up of the hall
9:30           End of Program

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Program December 14 2019

Weekly Dua Komail Program

Date/Time: Thursday, December 12, 2019 at 7:15 PM
Location:Omid Center, 320 Boston Post Road, Weston, MA


7:15-7:40 Quran Recitation
7:40-7:45 Dhikr
7:45-8:20 Dua Komail
8:20-8:55 Lecture by Hojjat al-Islam Doagoo (in English)
Title: “Death in the Quranic perspective: End of an assessment and continuation of a journey”

8:55-9:05 Question and Answer
9:05-9:15 Ziarat Warith
9:15-10:00 Dinner

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Program December, 12 2019

Bi-Weekly English Quran Circle at MIT

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
کِتابٌ أَنزَلناهُ الَیکَ مُبارَکٌ لِیَدَّبَّروا آیاتِهِ وَ لِیَتَذَکَّرَ أُلوالأَلباب
[ It is ]a blessed Book that We have sent down to you, so that they may contemplate its signs, and that those who possess intellect may take admonition. Chapter 38, verse 29

Dates/Time : Friday, December 13, 2019 at 7:00 PM

Location: Room 66-160
(MIT’s Landau Building)
25 Ames Street, Cambridge. MA

About the Quran Circle:

Quran Circle is a bi-weekly English program covering exegesis (“tafsir”) of Quran and special research topics related to the Quran. We welcome scholarly research work related to the Quran. If you would like an opportunity to present your work please contact

During the remaining months of 2019, Quran Circle is scheduled to meet on 12/13, and 12/27.

Quran Circle is open to the public.


7:00-7:20 Social Time
7:20-7:30 Quran Recitation
7:30-8:30 Lecture
Speaker: Dr. Zahra Al-Dawood
Topic: “Presentation of Tafsir of Verses 104-113 of Chapter six (Al-Anaam)”
8:30-8:40 Question and Answer
8:40-8:50 Supplication
8:50-9:00 Isha Prayer
9:00-10:00 Dinner

Parking: Free parking is available close to MIT Medical around 25 Carleton Street, Cambridge.

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Quran Circle December 13, 2019

Weekly Saturday Program

Weekly Saturday Program

Date/Time: Saturday, November 23, 2019 at  6:30 PM


6:30-6:50 Prayer
6:50-7:20 Quran Recitation
7:20-8:20 Lecture by Dr. Hossein Alizadeh on Tafsir of Verses 30-40 of Surah Yaseen (in Farsi)
8:20-8:30 Question and Answer
8:30-8:35 Dua
8:35-9:15 Potluck Dinner and Potluck Dessert
9:15-9:30 Clean up of the hall
9:30 End of Program

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Program November 23 2019

Weekly Dua Komail with an English Lecture

Special Lecture  on Ziyarat Jam’ia Kabirah

Date/Time: Thursday, November 21, 2019 at 7:15 PM
Location:Omid Center, 320 Boston Post Road, Weston, MA


7:15-7:35 Isha Prayer
7:35-7:50 Quran Recitation
7:50-7:55 Dhikr
7:55-8:30 Dua Komail
8:30-9:00 Lecture (in English)

Speaker: Hojjat al-Islam Hasan Doagoo

Title:Ziyarat al-Jami’a al-Kabira: A Comprehensive Lesson on Imamology in Twelver Shi’ism

9:00-9:10 Ziarat Warith
9:10-10:00 Dinner


Birth Celebration of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)

Birth Celebration of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)

Date/Time: Saturdayday, November 16 @ 6:30 PM
Location: Omid Center, 320 Boston Post Road, Weston, MA


6:30-6:50 Prayer
6:50-6:55 Quran Recitation
6:55-7:00 Nasheed
7:00-7:40 Lecture by Dr. Asadi-Kia (in Farsi with live, simultaneous, English translation)
عنوان: شخصیت پیامبر اکرم (ص) و پیام او

Title: Characteristics of the Prophet (PBUH) and His Message.
7:40-7:45 Nasheed
7:45-7:55 Question and Answer
7:55-8:05 Presentation by the students of the Omid School
8:05-8:30 Competition

8:30-8:45 Moloudi by Dr. Agheli
8:45-9:00 Ziarat and Dua
9:00-9:45 Potluck Dinner and Potluck Dessert
NOTE: Students are always invited as a guest of the community and are not expected to contribute to the potluck.
9:45-10:00 Cleaning of the Hall
10:00 End of Program

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Program November 16, 2019

Bi-Weekly English Quran Circle at MIT

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
کِتابٌ أَنزَلناهُ الَیکَ مُبارَکٌ لِیَدَّبَّروا آیاتِهِ وَ لِیَتَذَکَّرَ أُلوالأَلباب
[ It is ]a blessed Book that We have sent down to you, so that they may contemplate its signs, and that those who possess intellect may take admonition. Chapter 38, verse 29

Dates/Time : Friday, November 15, 2019 at 7:00 PM

Location: Room 66-160
(MIT’s Landau Building)
25 Ames Street, Cambridge. MA

About the Quran Circle:

Quran Circle is a bi-weekly English program covering exegesis (“tafsir”) of Quran and special research topics related to the Quran. We welcome scholarly research work related to the Quran. If you would like an opportunity to present your work please contact

During the remaining months of 2019, Quran Circle is scheduled to meet on 11/15, 12/13,
and 12/27.

Quran Circle is open to the public.


7:00-7:10 Preparation for Prayer
7:10-7:20 Prayer
7:20-7:30 Quran Recitation
7:30-8:30 Lecture
Speaker: Dr. Mohammad-Ali Radawi
Topic: “Presentation of Tafsir of Verses 91-103 of Chapter six (Al-Anaam)”
8:30-8:40 Question and Answer
8:40-8:50 Supplication
8:50-9:00 Isha Prayer
9:00-10:00 Dinner

Parking: Free parking is available close to MIT Medical around 25 Carleton Street, Cambridge.

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Quran Circle November 15, 2019