Birth Celebration of Hazrat Zainab (SA)
جشن تولد عقیله بنی هاشم حضرت زینب کبری در مرکز اسلامی امید
Saturdayday, January 4, 2020 at 6:30 PM
6:30-7:00 Quran Recitation
7:00-7:05 Poem/Nasheed
7:05-7:45 Lecture by Mr Hosein Hashemi (in Farsi)
عنوان: “صبر از دیدگاه اسلام“
Title: “Patience from the Islamic Perspective.”
7:45-7:50 Poem/Nasheed
7:50-8:00 Question and Answer
8:00-8:10 Moloudi
8:10-8:20 Ziarat Warith
8:20-8:25 Dua
8:25-9:10 Potluck Dinner and Potluck Dessert
9:10-9:30 Cleaning of the Center