Dua Komail Program: Thursday, February 6, 2020 at 7:15 PM

Special Monthly Lecture Series on Ziyarat Jam’ia Kabirah

Title: The Leaders of All Nations.

As mentioned in Ziyarat Jam’iah, the Holy Imams (a) are the leaders of all nations. Now, does this mean that they were the leaders of previous peoples? One answer is that in a higher level of existence, level higher then this world, they are the leaders of all.

Speaker: Hojjat al-Islam Sayyid Abbas Razavian (in English)

About the Speaker:
Sayyid Abbas Razavian grew up in the greater Los Angeles area. He received his bachelors degree in business administration from the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California in 2001. At the age of 21 he moved to Tehran, Iran to study in the Islamic Seminary of Tehran with the late honorable akhlaq(ethics) teacher Ayatullah Mujtahidi. After the passing of his akhlaq teacher, he moved to Qum to continue his studies in Islamic legal theory and law. After finishing the sutuh of the hawza(Islamic seminary), he began bahth al-kharij. He is currently in his sixth year of bahth kharij. Altogether he has studied for over 16 years in the Islamic seminary. He has had English speaking engagements through out the US.


7:15-7:35 Quran Recitation
7:35-7:40 Dhikr
7:40-8:10 Dua Komail
8:15-8:55 Lecture(in English)
8:55-9:05 Ziarat Warith
9:05-10:00 Dinner

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Program Februar, 6 2020

Bi-Weekly English Quran Circle at MIT

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
کِتابٌ أَنزَلناهُ الَیکَ مُبارَکٌ لِیَدَّبَّروا آیاتِهِ وَ لِیَتَذَکَّرَ أُلوالأَلباب
[ It is ]a blessed Book that We have sent down to you, so that they may contemplate its signs, and that those who possess intellect may take admonition. Chapter 38, verse 29

Dates/Time : Friday, January 31, 2020 at 7:00 PM

Location: Room 66-160
(MIT’s Landau Building)
25 Ames Street, Cambridge. MA

About the Quran Circle:

Quran Circle is a bi-weekly English program covering exegesis (“tafsir”) of Quran and special research topics related to the Quran. We welcome scholarly research work related to the Quran. If you would like an opportunity to present your work please contact Quran.Circle@yahoo.com.

Quran Circle is open to the public.


7:00-7:10 Preparation for Isha’ Prayer
7:10-7:20 Isha’ Prayer
7:20-7:30 Quran Recitation
7:30-8:30 Lecture
Speaker: Dr. Hassan Khalil
Topic: “Presentation of Tafsir of Verses 141-150 of Chapter six (Al-Anaam) “
8:30-8:40 Question and Answer
8:40-8:50 Supplication
8:50-10:00 Dinner

Parking: Free parking is available close to MIT Medical around 25 Carleton Street, Cambridge.

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Quran Circle January 31, 2020

Saturday Program, February 1, 2020 at 6:30 PM

Saturday Program, February 1, 2020 at 6:30 PM


6:30-7:00 Quran Recitation
7:00-8:00 Lecture

Speaker: Dr Mahdi Agheli
Topic:“Tafsir of verse number 1 to 15 of Surah As-Safaat .”
(in Farsi)

8:00-8:10 Question and Answer
8:10-8:20 Ziarat Hazrat Fatemeh al-Zahra
8:20-8:25 Dua
8:25-9:10 Potluck Dinner and Potluck Dessert
9:10-9:30 Cleaning of the Center
9:30 End of Program

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Program February 1, 2020

Weekly Dua Komail Program

Thursday, January 30, 2020 at 7:15 PM.


7:15-7:35 Quran Recitation
7:35-7:40 Dhikr
7:40-8:10 Dua Komail
8:15-8:50 Lecture
Speaker: Hojjat al-Islam Doagoo(in English)
Title:“Excerpts from Sahifa As-Sajjadiyya: Sabr (patience) on difficulties .”

8:50-9:00 Ziarat Warith
9:00-10:00 Dinner

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Program January 30, 2020

On the Night of Martyrdom Anniversary of Sayyeda Fatima al-Zahra, Tuesday, January 28, 2020  at 7 PM

On the Night of Martyrdom Anniversary of Sayyeda Fatima al-Zahra, Tuesday, January 28, 2020 at 7 PM


7:00-7:10 Quran Recitation
7:10-7:20 Fatima According to Quran
7:20-7:30 Poem/Marsieh
7:30-8:15 Lecture by Dr. Ehsan Elahi ( Live, simultaneous, English translation will be provided)

عنوان: کوثر وحیات معنوی

Title:“Kawsar” and the Spiritual Life.”

About the Speaker:

Dr. Ehsan Elahi is an Associate Professor at UMASS Boston.

8:15-8:45 Azadari (Mourning)
8:45-8:55 Ziarat Hazrat Fatima
8:55-9:00 Dua
9:00-10:00 Dinner (Donated)

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Program January 28, 2020

Special Legal Lecture at the Saturday Program, January 25, 2020 at 6:30 PM

Special Legal Lecture at the Saturday Program, January 25, 2020 at 6:30 PM


6:30-7:00 Quran Recitation
7:00-8:00 Special Legal Lecture

Speaker: Attorney Shannon Al-Wakeel (in English with live, simultaneous Farsi translation)

Topic:“Know Your Rights: preparing for possible government questioning while traveling and at home.”

About the Speaker:

Attorney Shannon Al-Wakeel is a civil and human rights advocate, expert in the community impacts of U.S. domestic “national security” policing. She has represented numerous individuals who were pressured to speak with the FBI or other law enforcement. Shannon is also co-founder and former executive director of Muslim Justice League, based in Boston.

8:00-8:30 Question and Answer
8:30-8:40 Ziarat Hazrat Fatemeh al-Zahra
8:40-8:45 Dua
8:45-9:20 Potluck Dinner and Potluck Dessert
9:20-9:30 Cleaning of the Center
9:30 End of Program

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Program January 25, 2020

Weekly Dua Komail Program Dedicated to the Ayyam Fatemiah (Martyrdom Anniversary of Fatima al-Zahra)

Weekly Dua Komail Program Dedicated to the Ayyam Fatemiah (Martyrdom Anniversary of Fatima al-Zahra)

Thursday, January 23, 2020 at 7:15 PM.


7:15-7:40 Quran Recitation
7:40-7:45 Dhikr
7:45-8:15 Dua Komail
8:15-8:50 Lecture
Speaker: Dr. Mehdi Hazari(in English)
Title:“Sayyeda Fatima: how to build a foundation of unshakable faith.”
About the Speaker:

Dr. Mehdi Hazari serves as resident scholar, delivers speeches, teaches youth groups and provides counseling. He has been engaged in these activities across the United States and Canada for more than 15 years and promotes interfaith dialogue and supports community outreach initiatives. Dr. Hazari currently works as a neurophysiologist and environmental scientist for the EPA, and is a 2011 Presidential award winner.

8:50-9:00 Ziarat Warith
9:00-10:00 Dinner

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Program January 23, 2020

Saturday Program, January 18, 2020 at 6:30 PM

Saturday Program, January 18, 2020 at 6:30 PM


6:30-7:00 Quran Recitation
7:00-8:00 Lecture
Speaker:Dr Mohammad Pourgolmohammad
Topic:“Tafsir of verse number 66 to 83 of Surah Yaseen (in Farsi)
8:00-8:10 Question and Answer  
8:10-8:20 Ziarat Hazrat Fatemeh al-Zahra
8:20-8:25 Dua
8:25-9:10 Potluck Dinner and Potluck Dessert
9:10-9:30 Cleaning of the Center
9:30   End of Program

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Program January 18, 2020

Weekly Dua Komail Program Dedicated to the Ayyam Fatemiah (Martyrdom Anniversary of Fatima al-Zahra)

Weekly Dua Komail Program Dedicated to the Ayyam Fatemiah (Martyrdom Anniversary of Fatima al-Zahra)

Thursday, January 16, 2020 at 7:15 PM.


7:15-7:35 Quran Recitation
7:35-7:40 Dhikr
7:40-8:10 Dua Komail
8:10-8:50 Lecture
Speaker:Hojjat al-Islam Syed Abbas Ayleya(in English)
Title:“Highness of as-Sayyedah Fatimah (AS)”
About the Speaker:
Syed Abbas Ayleya serves as resident scholar and regularly hosts workshops and lectures on numerous topics in Islam, including Beliefs, Ethics and Moral Values.
8:50-9:00 Ziarat Warith
9:00-10:00 Dinner

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Program January 16, 2020

Bi-Weekly English Quran Circle at MIT

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
کِتابٌ أَنزَلناهُ الَیکَ مُبارَکٌ لِیَدَّبَّروا آیاتِهِ وَ لِیَتَذَکَّرَ أُلوالأَلباب
[ It is ]a blessed Book that We have sent down to you, so that they may contemplate its signs, and that those who possess intellect may take admonition. Chapter 38, verse 29

Dates/Time : Friday, January 17, 2020 at 7:00 PM

Location: Room 66-160
(MIT’s Landau Building)
25 Ames Street, Cambridge. MA

About the Quran Circle:

Quran Circle is a bi-weekly English program covering exegesis (“tafsir”) of Quran and special research topics related to the Quran. We welcome scholarly research work related to the Quran. If you would like an opportunity to present your work please contact Quran.Circle@yahoo.com.

Quran Circle is open to the public.


7:00-7:10 Preparation for Isha’ Prayer
7:10-7:20 Isha’ Prayer
7:20-7:30 Quran Recitation
7:30-8:30 Lecture
Speaker: Sister Wejdan al-Jassas
Topic: “Presentation of Tafsir of Verses 130-140 of Chapter six (Al-Anaam)”
8:30-8:40 Question and Answer
8:40-8:50 Supplication
8:50-10:00 Dinner

Parking: Free parking is available close to MIT Medical around 25 Carleton Street, Cambridge.

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Quran Circle January 17, 2020