Biweekly Topical Tafsir of Quran in Farsi.
This week’s session is dedicated to the birth anniversary of Imam Sadiq (PBUH)
سالگرد میلاد پیامبر اکرم اسلام(ص) و امام جعفر صادق (ع) را تبریک عرض میکنیم.
Dedicated to the Birth Anniversary of Prophet Mohammad and Imam Jafar Sadiq (PBUT)
Saturday, October 23, 2021 at 8 PM EDT
Speaker: Hojjat al-Islam Hasan Doagoo
عنوان این هفته:“رابطه عقل و دین در استشهادات قرآنی امام صادق (ع)”
8:00-8:05 Quran Recitation
8:05-8:50 Lecture (in Farsi)
8:50-9:00 Question and Answer
9:00-9:10 Poetry/Nashid
9:10-9:20 Ziarat and Dua
Zoom Link to the programs:
Meeting ID: 316 797 733 One tap mobile +19294362866 Password: 351023