Table of Ramadan Programs All programs will be either in English or with LIVE English translation. All regular programs will start at 6 PM EST The Special Qadr Night Programs will start at 9:30 PM EST
Ramadan Program at the Omid Center برنامههای رمضان مرکز اسلامی بوستن
www.omidcenter.com Linkto Join Telegram: https://t.me/OCofGB
Zoom Link: https://tinyurl.com/ZoomOmid Time Zone: Eastern USA (EDT)
Meeting ID: 316 797 733 mobile +19294362866 Password: 351023
Date | Language and Program | Speaker | Title of Lecture |
Thursday, April 15, @6 PM | in English Omid Center | H.I. Sayyed Abbas Razavi | Lessons From Nahjul Balaghah: Letter 31 From Imam Ali to Imam Hasan |
Friday, April 16 @ 6 PM | in English MIT’s Quran Circle |
Br. Syed Hasan Rizvi | Tafsir of Verses 8:37-8:51 of Holy Quran |
Saturday, April 17 @6 PM |
in Farsi with LIVE English translation | H.I. Masoud Adib | تفسیر دعای شماره20 صحیفه سجادیه Commentray on Dua 20 of Sahifah Sajjadiya |
Sunday, April 18 @6 PM | in English Omid Center | Dr. Mahdi Hazari | Commentary on the Dua Iftitah |
Thursday, April 22@6 PM | In English Omid Center | H.I. Sayyed Abbas Razavian | Lessons From Nahjul Balaghah: Letter 31 From Imam Ali to Imam Hasan |
Friday, April 23@6 PM | in English MIT’s Quran Circle | Dr. Aria Razfar | Tafsir of Verses 8:52-8:63 of Holy Quran |
Saturday, April 24@6 PM | in Farsi with LIVE English translation | H.I. Hasan Doagoo | “ضیافت نور: مطالعهای تفسیری در پیوند قرآن، رمضان و قدر” Connection of Quran, Ramadan, and Qadr through exegesis studies. |
Sunday, April 25@6 PM | in English Omid Center | Dr. Mahdi Hazari | Commentary on the Dua Iftitah |
Thursday, April 29@ 6 PM | in English Omid Center | H.I. Sayyed Abbas Razavian | Lessons From Nahjul Balaghah:
Letter 31 From Imam Ali to Imam Hasan Birth Celebration of Imam Hasan Mujtaba (AS) |
Friday, April 30 @6 PM | in English MIT’s Quran Circle | Dr. Hasan Khalil | Laylatul Qadr and the Quran’s equating of it to 1000 months. |
Saturday, May 1 @6 PM | in Farsi with LIVE English translation | H.I. Masoud Adib | تفسیر دعای شماره 20 صحیفه سجادیه Commentary on Dua 20 of Sahifah Sajjadiya |
Saturday, May 1 @9:30 PM TENTATIVE |
Lecture in English Omid Center | Dr. Sadik Kassim | Potential Night of Qadr “Reviving the Heart through the Nights of Qadr” |
Sunday, May 2 @6 PM | in English Omid Center | Dr. Aria Razfar | Commentary on Surahs: Roum, Dokhan, and Ankaboot |
Monday,May 3 @9:30 PM TENTATIVE | Lecture in English Omid Center | Dr. Sadik Kassim | Potential Night of Qadr “Reviving the Heart through the Nights of Qadr” |
Wednesday,May 5 @9:30 PM TENTATIVE | Lecture in English Omid Center | Dr. Sadik Kassiim | Potential Night of Qadr “Reviving the Heart through the Nights of Qadr” |
Thursday, May 6@ 6 PM | Omid Center | H.I. Sayyed Abbas Razavian | Lessons From Nahjul Balaghah: Letter 31 From Imam Ali to Imam Hasan |
Friday, May 7@ 6 PM |
in English MIT’s Quran Circle |
Dr Hesam Dehghani | The Mystic Interpretation of the Quran: on Love and Beauty (reading parts of Surah Yusuf) |
Saturday, May May 8@ 6 PM | in Farsi with LIVE English translation | H.I. Hasan Doagoo | «تبیانا لکل شیء: بحثی تفسیری در بیان حقیقت و جایگاه قرآن کریم و نقدی بر برخی برداشت های ناصواب» Explaining the truth through A Quranic lens and critiquing the unjust misinterpretations of the holy Quran. |
Sunday,May 9@6 PM | in English Omid Center | Dr. Aria Razfar | Commentary on Dua Abu Hamzah |