Upcoming Virtual Programs December 17-19 at the Omid Center of Boston and MIT
1️⃣✅?Weekly Dua Komail and Lecture Dedicated to the Birth Anniversary of Hazrat Zaynab
(In English)
Thursday, December 17@ 8:00 PM EST
Speaker: Hojjat Al-Islam Sayyid Abbas Razavian
Topic:The Magnificence of Lady Zaynab (a)
2️⃣✅ Biweekly Quran Circle at MIT (Online)
Friday December 18@ 8:00 PM EST
(in English)
Topic: Continuation of Tafsir of verses 185-198 of Chapter 7 (Al-A’raaf)
Speaker: Dr Sadik Kassim
About the Speaker:
Dr Kassim is a scientist specialized in cancer research.
3️⃣✅ ?Birth Celebration of Hazrat Zaynab and Topical Tafsir of Quran (in Farsi)
Saturday, December 19@7:30 PM EST
Speaker: Hojjat Al-Islam Hasan Doagoo
عنوان: “صبردر قرآن: نگاهی به جایگاه و مراتب صبر با بهره گیری از الگوهای قرآنی”
Zoom Link to the programs: https://zoom.us/j/316797733?pwd=by9Mejh1NDJxU3ErU1hiaHNmZFlrZz09
Meeting ID: 316 797 733 One tap mobile +19294362866 Password: 351023