Weekly Dua Komail
Thursday, May 28 , 2020 at 7:00 PM (EDT)
Zoom Link to the programs:
Meeting ID: 316 797 733
One tap mobile +19294362866
Password: 351023
7:00-7:05 Quran Recitation
7:05-7:35 Lecture (in English)
Speaker: Hojjat al-Islam Haydar Shirazi
Title: “Reflections on Surah Al Ikhlas”
7:35-7:45 Question and Answer
7:45-7:50 Dhikr
7:50-8:20 Dua Komail
8:20-8:30 Ziarat Warith
About the Speaker:
Hojjat al-Islam Haydar Shirazi is the resident scholar at Abraar Center in Canada.