Saturday Program Dedicated to the Martyrdom of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq

Saturday Program Dedicated to the Martyrdom of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq

We offer our condolences to Imam Mahdi(AS) on the Eve of Martyrdom of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq

Date/Time: Saturday, June 29, 2019 at 7:00 PM

Location: Omid Center: 320 Boston Post Road, Weston, MA

Coordinator: Mr. Mohammad-Ali Badr


7:00-7:25 Quran Recitation
7:25-7:30 Poem/Marsieh
7:30-8:20 Lecture by Dr. Alireza Raisi (in Farsi)

عنوان: “تاملاتي در پويايي گفتار قرآن”
چکیده: “در این گفتار به بررسی و تحلیل لحن خداوند در قرآن کریم می پردازیم. تحقیقات قرآن پژوهان معاصر در تحلیل گفتمان قرآن حاکی از آنست که لحن متکلم در قرآن از نظم خاص اعجازآمیزی پیروی میکند که قرآن را از سایر متون مقدس ادیان الهی متمایز میکند و نتایج مهمی در مباحث کلامی و عرفانی دارد . با استفاده از این یافته ها در ادامه به اختصار به تحلیل رابطه انسان و خداوند از دیدگاه قرآنی و نتایج آن در عرفان اسلامی خواهیم پرداخت”

8:20-8:30 Question and Answer
8:30-8:35 Poem/Marsieh
8:35-8:50 Ziarat AminAllah and Dua
8:50-9:10 Prayer
9:10-9:50 Potluck Dinner and Potluck Dessert
9:50-10:00 Cleaning of the Center
10:00PM End of Program

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Program June 29, 2019

Weekly Dua Komail Program Dedicated to the Martyrdom of Imam Jafar al-Sadiq

السلام علیک یا محمد ابن علی الجواد علیه السلام
Commemoration of Martyrdom of Imām Jawād (AS)

This Week’s Dua Komail Program is Dedicated to Imam Jawad

Date/Time: Thursday, June 27, 2019 at 7:30 PM

Location: Omid Center: 320 Boston Post Road, Weston, MA


7:30-7:40 Quran Recitation
7:40-7:45 Dhikr
7:45-8:15 Dua Komail
8:15-8:45 Lecture by Hojjat al-Islam Doagoo (in English)
Title: “Imam Sadiq as a role model and his approach against false ideologies.”

8:50-9:10 Prayer
9:10-9:20 Ziarat Warith
9:20-10:00 Dinner

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Program June 27, 2019

Weekly Dua Komail Program

Date/Time: Thursday, June 20, 2019 at 7:30 PM

Location: Omid Center: 320 Boston Post Road, Weston, MA


7:30-7:40 Quran Recitation
7:40-7:45 Dhikr
7:45-8:15 Dua Komail
8:15-8:45 Lecture by Dr. Mohammad-Ali Radawi (in English)
Title: “Reflections on Dua Kumayl”

8:50-9:10 Prayer
9:10-9:20 Ziarat Warith
9:20-10:00 Dinner

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Program June 20, 2019

Weekly Dua Komail Program

Date/Time: Thursday, June 13, 2019 at 7:30 PM

Location: Omid Center: 320 Boston Post Road, Weston, MA


7:30-7:40 Quran Recitation
7:40-7:45 Dhikr
7:45-8:15 Dua Komail
8:15-8:45 Lecture by Dr. Mohammad Sobhanie (in English)
Title: “Calling the Lord” Quran: Chapter 2:186

  • Importance of Dua in the Quran
  • Dua’s of many divine messengers in the Quran
  • Dua in Ahdyth of the Prophet and his Ahlul-Byate (دعای مأثور)
  • Realistic expectation from Duas

8:50-9:10 Prayer
9:10-9:20 Ziarat Warith
9:20-10:00 Dinner

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Program June 13, 2019

Bi-Weekly English Quran Circle at MIT

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
کِتابٌ أَنزَلناهُ الَیکَ مُبارَکٌ لِیَدَّبَّروا آیاتِهِ وَ لِیَتَذَکَّرَ أُلوالأَلباب
[ It is ]a blessed Book that We have sent down to you, so that they may contemplate its signs, and that those who possess intellect may take admonition. Chapter 38, verse 29

Dates/Time : Friday, June 14, 2019 at 7:00 PM

About the Quran Circle:

Quran Circle is a bi-weekly English program covering exegesis (“tafsir”) of Quran and special research topics related to the Quran. We welcome scholarly research work related to the Quran. If you would like an opportunity to present your work please contact

Quran Circle is open to the public.

Location: Room 66-156
(MIT’s Landau Building)
25 Ames Street, Cambridge. MA


7:00-7:15 Social Time
7:15-7:25 Quran Recitation
7:25-8:25 lecture by Dr. Hassan Khalil on Tafsir of verses 99-110 of Surah Al-Ma’idah
About the Speaker:
Dr. Hassan Khalil is a clinical fellow at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital.
8:25-8:40 Question and Answer
8:40-8:45 Supplication
8:45-8:55 Maghrib Prayer
8:55-9:30 Light Dinner
9:30-9:40 Isha Prayer

Parking: Free parking is available close to MIT Medical around 25 Carleton Street, Cambridge.

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Quran Circle June 14, 2019

Weekly Dua Komail Program

Date/Time: Thursday, June 6, 2019 at 7:00 PM

Location: Omid Center: 320 Boston Post Road, Weston, MA


7:00-7:20 Quran Recitation
7:20-7:25 Dhikr
7:25-7:55 Dua Komail
7:55-8:30 Lecture by Hojjat al-Islam Doagoo (in English)
Title: One’s Spiritual Journey After Ramadan: An Ethical Perspective.

8:30-8:40 Question and Answer
8:40-9:00 Prayer
9:00-9:10 Ziarat Warith
9:10-10:00 Dinner

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Program June 6, 2019

Confirmed Eid al-Fitr Plan

Confirmed Eid al-Fitr Plan

Date/Time Wednesday, June 5, 2019 at 7 AM.

Location: Omid Center

320 Boston Post Road, Weston, MA


7:00-7:05 Quran Recitation
7:05-7:30 Recitation of Dua Nudbah by Mr. Tabbarsi
7:30-7:45 Takbira’at
7:45-9:00 Prayer   English Khutbah by Mr. Tabbarsi
9:00-10:00 Breakfast

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Eid Fitr 2019

Weekly Saturday Program: June 1, 2019

Weekly Saturday Program: June 1, 2019

Date/Time: Saturday, June 1, 2019 at 6:30 PM
Location: Omid Center

Speaker: Mr. Hashemi

عنوان: زهد
Topic: Asceticism

انسان ها برای آنکه بتوانند به سعادت اخروی دست یابند لازم است رابطه ای درست با دنیا داشته باشند چرا که زندگی دنیوی آنها مقدمه سعادت جاودانه ایشان است. از این رو آیات قرآن کریم و روایات ائمه اطهار علیهم السلام به طور گسترده به موضوع نحوه ارتباط انسان با دنیا توجه کرده و آن را تبیین نموده است. در این بحث که تحت عنوان زهد ارائه خواهد شد بدنبال آن هستیم تا با کمک منابع اسلامی به تبیین نحوه درست رابطه انسان ها با دنیا بپردازیم. علت نام گذاری این بحث با عنوان زهد آن است که به طور کلی در اسلام به انسان ها توصیه شده است که با دنیا ارتباطی زاهدانه داشته باشند. در این بحث ابتدا به جایگاه انسان و دنیا در نظام خلقت می پردازیم و سپس به تبیین نقش زهد در زندگی انسان اشاره خواهیم کرد.


We, human beings, live a short worldly life on the earth before death transfers us to the long-lasting hereafter. This short period determines our eternal happiness in the afterlife, and so, it is crucial to define a solidified relationship with different aspects of our worldly life. However, forming a proper relationship is not viable without the knowledge of the nature of the parties in the relationship, that is, Human being and this world, and due to this reason, Islamic literature did not turn a blind eye on this issue. In fact, Islamic literature discussed this issue in several verses of the Quran, as well as many Hadiths from the Ahl-ul-Bait (PHUT) where it outlined the quality of this relationship. In this lecture, we will illustrate the nature and aspects of this relationship under the topic of “asceticism” since Islam advises humans to foster an ascetical relationship with aspects of worldly life. We will first discuss the state of humans among the creatures and the state of worldly life in the universe, and then we will offer the Islamic view on the asceticism and its role in Muslims’ life.

About the Speaker:

Mr Hashemi is a PhD student in Marketing at UMass Amherst.


6:30-7:00 Quran Recitation
7:00-7:50 Lecture
7:50-8:00 Question and Answer
8:00-8:40 Dua Abu Hamzah
8:40-9:00 Prayer
9:00-9:50 Iftar/Dinner
9:50-10:00 Cleaning of the Center
10:00 End of Program

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Program Saturday June 1, 2019

Bi-Weekly English Quran Circle at MIT

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
کِتابٌ أَنزَلناهُ الَیکَ مُبارَکٌ لِیَدَّبَّروا آیاتِهِ وَ لِیَتَذَکَّرَ أُلوالأَلباب
[ It is ]a blessed Book that We have sent down to you, so that they may contemplate its signs, and that those who possess intellect may take admonition. Chapter 38, verse 29

Dates/Time : Friday, May 31, 2019 at 7:00 PM

About the Quran Circle:

Quran Circle is a bi-weekly program covering exegesis (“tafsir”) of Quran and special research topics related to the Quran. We welcome scholarly research work related to the Quran. If you would like an opportunity to present your work please contact

Quran Circle is open to the public.

Location: Room 66-160
 (MIT’s Landau Building)
25 Ames Street, Cambridge. MA

Speaker: Dr. Sadik Kassim

Title: Presentation of Tafsir of Verses 89-100 of Al-Ma’idah

About the Speaker:
Dr. Sadik Kassim is a scientist specialized in cancer research.


7:00-7:15 Quran Recitation
7:15-8:15  Lecture
8:15-8:35 Question and Answer
8:35-8:45 Maghrib Prayer
8:45-9:30 Iftar/Dinner
9:30-9:40 Isha Prayer
9:40-10:00 Ramadan Supplication

Parking: Free parking is available close to MIT Medical around 25 Carleton Street, Cambridge.

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Ramadan Quran Circle May 31, 2019


Weekly Dua Komail Program

Date/Time: Thursday, May 30, 2019 at 7:00 PM

Location: Omid Center: 320 Boston Post Road, Weston, MA


7:00-7:20 Quran Recitation
7:20-7:25 Dhikr
7:25-7:55 Dua Komail

7:55-8:30 Lecture by Br. Rashed
Pondering on the meaning of Dua Abu Hamza

 ( in English)

8:35-8:55 Prayer
8:55-9:40 Ifrari and Dinner (Donated)
9:40-9:50 Ziarat Warith

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Program May 30, 2019