Dua Abu Hamza Program

Dua Abu Hamza Program

Tuesday, April 28, 2020 at 9:00 PM (Eastern Time)

Zoom Link to the programs:


Meeting ID: 316 797 733
One tap mobile +19294362866
Password: 351023


9:00-9:05 Quran Recitation
9:05-9:35 Lecture by Dr. Mahdi Khaligh Razavi (in Farsi)
عنوان: مسیر شناخت، دوستی و بندگی الهی در آینه دعای ابوحمزه

9:35-10:30 Recitation of Dua Abu Hamza Somali

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Program April 28, 2020

Special Topic on Sundays

Sunday, April 26, 2020 at 6:30 PM (Eastern Time)

Zoom Link to the programs:


Meeting ID: 316 797 733
One tap mobile +19294362866
Password: 351023


6:30-6:35 Quran Recitation
6:35-7:25 Lecture by Mr. Mostafa Daneshgar (in Farsi)
عنوان: ادب افتادگی، شرح و تفسیر آیات سوره مبارکه حدید

7:25-7:35 Question and Answer
7:35-7:50 Dua

About the Speaker
Mr. Mostafa Daneshgar is currently a PhD candidate in Electrical and Computer Engineering at Wayne State University in Michigan. Prior to coming to US in 2010, he studied Shiate theology and Shiat jurisprudence at the Qum Seminary and continued these studies when he immigrated to Syria where he attended the Seminary of Zenobia at Damascus. Mr. Daneshgar has written more than 200 articles and speeches about Islam, Shiite, and relations between religions, specifically Shiite, as well as cultural and social challenges in Persian, Arabic, and English.

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Program April 26, 2020

Weekly Saturday Program

Weekly Saturday Program

Saturday, April 25, 2020 at 6:30 PM (Eastern Time)

Zoom Link to the programs:


Meeting ID: 316 797 733
One tap mobile +19294362866
Password: 351023


6:30-6:35 Quran Recitation
6:35-7:25 Lecture by Dr. Mitra Rozati  (in Farsi)
عنوان:تاثیر شگرف روزه داری بر بدن از دیدگاه محققین

7:25-7:35 Question and Answer
7:35-7:50 Dua

About the Speaker
Dr. Rozati received her MD from the University of Isfahan, a PhD in Nutritional Science from UMASS Lowell, and was a postdoctoral researcher at the Nutrition Center of Tufts University. She is a faculty at MassBay Community College.

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Program April 25, 2020

Quran Circle (Virtual Meeting)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
کِتابٌ أَنزَلناهُ الَیکَ مُبارَکٌ لِیَدَّبَّروا آیاتِهِ وَ لِیَتَذَکَّرَ أُلوالأَلباب
[ It is ]a blessed Book that We have sent down to you, so that they may contemplate its signs, and that those who possess intellect may take admonition. Chapter 38, verse 29

Dates/Time : Fridays, at 6:30 PM on April 24, May 1,8, 15, 22

Zoom Link to the programs:


Meeting ID: 316 797 733
One tap mobile +19294362866
Password: 351023

You can join Quran Circle’s WhatsApp group to see any updates:
WhatsApp Group Invite:

About the Quran Circle:

Quran Circle is an English program covering exegesis (“tafsir”) of Quran and special research topics related to the Quran. We welcome presentations on scholarly research work related to the Quran. If you would like an opportunity to present your work please contact Quran.Circle@yahoo.com.

Quran Circle is open to the public.

April 24, May 1, 8, 15, 22:

6:30-6:35 Qur’an Recitation
6:35-7:25 Lecture
7:25-7:35 Question and Answer
7:35-7:50 Recitation of  Dua
April 24: Dr. Sadik Kassim
Special Topic: “Ramadan in the Quran”.
Dr. Sadik Kassim is a scientist specialized in cancer research.

May 1: Dr. Hassan Khalil
Special Topic: “Fasting in Ramadan: Religious and Clinical Perspectives”
Dr. Hassan Khalil is a clinical fellow at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

May 8: Br. Ahmad Namvar
Topic: Tafsir of Verses 7:26-7:49 Al-A’raf”.
Br. Ahmad Namvar works at a healthcare technology start up in downtown Boston.

May 15: Dr. Sadik Kassim
pecial Topic: “Fasting according to the Qur’an, Old Testament, and New Testament”.
May 22: Sr. Nicole Correri
Topic: TBD
Sr. Nicole Correri is a PhD student in Islamic Studies at Boston University.

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Ramadan Quran Circle, 2020

Weekly Dua Komail

Thursday, April 23, 2020 at 8:20 PM (EST)

Zoom Link to the programs:


Meeting ID: 316 797 733
One tap mobile +19294362866
Password: 351023

Speaker:Hojjat al-Islam Sayyid Abbas Razavian (in English)
Title:What is the appropriate feeling before the month of Ramadhan?

About the Speaker:
Sayyid Abbas Razavian grew up in the greater Los Angeles area. He received his bachelors degree in business dministration from the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California in 2001. At the age of 21 he moved to Tehran, Iran to study in the Islamic Seminary of Tehran with the late honorable akhlaq(ethics) teacher Ayatullah Mujtahidi. After the passing of his akhlaq teacher, he moved to Qum to continue his studies in Islamic legal theory and law. After finishing the sutuh of the hawza(Islamic seminary), he began bahth al-kharij. He is currently in his sixth year of bahth kharij. Altogether he has studied for over 16 years in the Islamic seminary. He has had English speaking engagements through out the US.


8:20-8:25 Quran Recitation
8:25-8:30 Dhikr
8:30-9:00 Dua Komail
9:00-9:30 Lecture
9:30-9:40 Question and Answer
9:40-9:50 Ziarat Warith

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Program April 23, 2020

Upcoming Ramadan Programs:

Upcoming Ramadan Programs:

Zoom Link to the programs:


Meeting ID: 316 797 733
One tap mobile +19294362866
Password: 351023

Insha’Allah we will have the following programs every week during Ramadan:

1️.✅Thursdays:Omid Center’s Dua Komail and Tafsir (in English) of one of the Duas of Ramadan

2️.✅Fridays: MIT’s Quran Circle:

A. Before Iftar: Special Topics related to Ramadan and Tafsir of Quran

B. After Iftar: Dua of Imam Sajjad (as) about Ramadan from Alsahifah AlSajjadiah

3️.✅Saturdays: Before Iftar:

Special Ramadan Topics

4.✅Sundays: Before Iftar:

Special Topic in the Quran

5️. ✅Tuesdays: After Iftar:

Dua Abu Hamza Program

6️.✅ Qadr Nights: Before and After Iftar: Nights of 19th, 21st, and 23rd of Ramadan

برنامه هاي ماه مبارك رمضان:

انشاءالله همه هفته برنامه هاي زير را در طول ماه مبارك رمضان خواهيم داشت:

ا .✅ پنجشنبه ها دعای کمیل مرکز امید

برنامه دعاي كميل با تفسير انگليسي يكي از دعاهاي ماه رمضان

٢.✅ جمعه ها برنامه انگلیسی Quran Circle شامل

الف: قبل از افطار: تفسير قرآن و عنوان هاي مختص رمضان

ب:بعد از افطار:تفسير دعاي امام سجاد در مورد ماه رمضان در صحيفه سجاديه

٣.✅ شنبه ها قبل از افطار :برنامه هفتگي مركز اميد:

برنامه با عناوين متناسب با ماه رمضان

٤.✅ يكشنبه ها قبل از افطار: برنامه هفتگي مخصوص رمضان

عنوان: ادب افتادگي؛ شرح و تفسير آيات سوره مباركه حديد

٥ سه شنبه ها: بعد از افطار:

برنامه دعاي ابوحمزه

٦برنامه هاي شبهاي  قدر: قبل و بعد از افطار : ١٩، ٢١ و ٢٣ رمضان


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Weekly Saturday Program

Weekly Saturday Program

Saturday, April 18, 2020 at 8:15 PM (Eastern Time)

Zoom Link to the programs:


Meeting ID: 316 797 733
One tap mobile +19294362866
Password: 351023

Joining Omid Center’s Telegram: https://t.me/OCofGB
Joining Omid Center’s WhatsApp Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/KJaNxZYr7qw3Dv9tm2r3Th


8:15-8:25 Quran Recitation
8:25-9:25 Lecture by Dr. Ali Sharifkhani (in Farsi)
Title:Tafsir of verse number 114-129 of Surah As-Safaat
About the Speaker
Ali Sharifkhani received his Ph.D. in business administration in 2018 from the University of Toronto, Canada. Upon completion of his
studies, he moved to Boston to start his career as an assistant
professor at the Northeastern University. His research interests
include labor economics and finance.

9:25-9:35 Question and Answer
9:35-9:40 Dua

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Program April 18, 2020

Weekly Dua Komail Program

Thursday, April 16, 2020 at 8:15 PM (EST)

Zoom Link to the programs:


Meeting ID: 316 797 733
One tap mobile +19294362866
Password: 351023

Joining Omid Center’s Telegram: https://t.me/OCofGB
Joining Omid Center’s WhatsApp Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/KJaNxZYr7qw3Dv9tm2r3Th

Speaker:Hojjat al-Islam Doagoo (in English)
Title:Welcoming Ramadan: Du’a 44 of Sahifa as-Sajjaadiyyah

About the Speaker
Br. Hasan Doagoo studied at the Hawzah Seminary of Qum from 1998 and was a student of Ijtihad’s courses (kharij) in the area of Fiqh-and-Usul for several years. He has a BA in Philosophy and completed a MS degree in Islamic studies. Mr. Doagoo was invited 1n 2015 by the Hartford Seminary to participate in the “Islamic Studies and Muslim-Christian relations” graduate program as a part of HartSem’s IPP (International Peace-making Program). He is currently pursuing a PhD in religious studies at McMaster University in Canada.


8:15-8:20 Quran Recitation
8:20-8:25 Dhikr
8:25-8:55 Dua Komail
8:55-9:30 Lecture
9:30-9:40 Question and Answer
9:40-9:50 Ziarat Warith

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Program April 16, 2020

The Eve of 15th of Sha’baan,       the Birth Anniversary of Imam Mahdi (AJ)

The Eve of 15th of Sha’baan, the Birth Anniversary of Imam Mahdi (AJ)

The Birth Anniversary of Imam Mahdi (AJ)

Thursday, April 9, 2020 at 8:00 PM (Eastern Time)

Zoom Link to the programs:


Meeting ID: 316 797 733 One tap mobile +19294362866
Password: 351023

Updates will be posted on Telegram Channel : @OCofGB OR WhatsApp Group:

Please refer to Omid Center’s Telegram Channel for updates : @OCofGB


8:00-8:05 Quran Recitation
8:05-8:10 Dhikr
8:10-8:40 Dua Komail
8:40-9:10 Lecture (in English)
Speaker: Dr. Sadik Kassim
Title: “Waiting for the Imam During a Time of Pandemic”


“Is COVID-19 a sign that the Awaited Saviour (Imam Mahdi) Will soon (re)appear? In fact, this question has been asked in one form or another, by members of the Abrahamic faiths, during the emergence of virtually every pandemic and plague. This lecture will attempt to answer that question through the lens of Qur’anic verses and the Hadith literature.”

About the Speaker:

Sadik Kassim is a viral immunologist working on the development of Gen Therapies for Cancer. Dr. Kassim is a founder of the Islamic Message Foundation of New Orleans, Louisiana and has spoken at numerous Universities, Muslim, Christian, Jewish, and Hindu organizations round the country.

9:10-9:20 Question and Answer
9:20-9:50 Ziarat Aale Yaseen

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Program April 9 2020 Komail

The Night of 15th of Sha’baan, the Birth Anniversary of Imam Mahdi (AJ)

The Night of 15th of Sha’baan, the Birth Anniversary of Imam Mahdi (AJ)

The Birth Anniversary of Imam Mahdi (AJ)

Wednesday, April 8, 2020 at 8:00 PM (Eastern Time)

Zoom Link to the programs:


Meeting ID: 316 797 733 One tap mobile +19294362866
Password: 351023

Updates will be posted on Telegram Channel : @OCofGB OR
WhatsApp Group:



8:00-8:05 Quran Recitation
8:05-8:35 Dua Komail
8:35-9:25 Lecture by Dr. Sadraey (in Farsi)
عنوان: شیعه، انتظار، و وظایف منتظران
9:25-9:35 Question and Answer
9:35-9:50 Poem and Ziarat Imam Hussain (AS)

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Program April 8 2020